Meet the Tequilera: Bertha Gonzalez Nieves

Hometown: Mexico City.
Occupation: Co-founder, CEO, and maestra tequilera of Casa Dragones Tequila.
Favorite destinations: London and Tokyo.
Dying to visit: Istanbul.
Bizarre travel rituals: I never check a bag.
In-flight relaxation regime: I read as many magazines as possible, from design to news.
Always in carry-on: Everything, because I don't check a bag.
Concierge or DIY? Concierge.
See it all or take it easy? See it all.
Drive or be driven? Be driven.
Best hotel amenity: 24/7 gym.
I dream about my meal at Per Se.
Everywhere I go, I check out the art galleries.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by getting lots of recommendations from well-traveled friends.
I travel to develop my business, for pleasure, and to satisfy never-ending curiosities.
Twitter: @casa_dragones