Tell Your Story

Photo: Courtesy of Smithsonian Institution
Have you ever visited a place for a week and stayed a year? Lost your luggage, but gained perspective? Shared an intimate moment with a complete stranger in another part of the world? Left your house and learned something new?
These are the kinds of travel stories we're looking to publish on Fathom. Yours can help alter the landscape of travel writing as we know it.
Content: We want your tales of adventure, coming-of-age stories, educational anecdotes, sobering reality checks, diary entries, and near-death experiences that seem funny because you are still alive. (For example, reader Christine Gillow sent a Postcard about an amazing day with her beloved pooch at Ten Thousand Waves spa.)
Format: First person, second person, third person. Ideally between 300-1000 words. Pithy can be charming. And if a story warrants 3,000 words, we'll be happy to print all of them.
Deadline: Rolling admissions for ever and ever. Keep writing, submit often.
To include with your submission: Your name, e-mail address, web site/blog/Twitter feed, one sentence about yourself (accolades, hobbies, enthusiasms), and something to fill in the blank: "I travel for the ________."
Fathom is a place for the travel proud. Please take as much pride as you want.
We look forward to hearing your story.