Spotlight on Rio 2016: Volume II

Brush up on your travel knowledge with lessons learned from Rio 2016. Photos (clockwise from top-left) by @davidboudia, @rio2016, @eurosport, @xcelgym, @rio2016brasil, and @eurosport.
Although it's still sweltering outside, we're on the last laps of summer. This means there's only a few more precious weeks to plan and execute the perfect summer vacation.
Continuing my scavenger hunt through the treasure trove of videos on NBC Sports, I've pulled together a few moments that translate as great travel tips. Every time a gymnast solidly plants her feet on the floor or a swimmer speeds for gold, I get the adrenaline rush that I associate with travel. And there's more we can learn from these athletes.
Maximize your travel in 40 seconds, courtesy of the games in Rio de Janeiro: