They're Back! Fathom for Kate Spade New York City Guides

Pack your bags — the latest installment of the Fathom for kate spade newyork City Guides are up! We're adding Aspen, Las Vegas, Hong Kong, Sydney, and Napa/Sonoma to the mix.
The lovely ladies over at kate spade new york have given the guides a new design treatment — now there are neighborhood walks, hand-illustrated maps, and a new, printable layout so that you can take your tips on the go.
We'll be celebrating the latest city guide installment all week with additional stories and itineraries on Fathom. Check back every day this week as we roll out enhanced Fathom city guides for every destination, starting with Las Vegas today and Hong Kong tomorrow.
Check It Out
Fathom for kate Spade New York City Guides
Is there a destination you want us to cover? Send us a tweet @FathomWaytoGo with the hashtag #fathom4ksny or drop us a line on Facebook.