Storyteller Contest: Family Travel Saga

Fun for the whole family?
The holiday season is synonymous with family antics. And often involves someone traveling somewhere against their will or better judgement.
Which serves as a reminder of what is was like taking family vacations as a kid. Dad's skepticism of leisure time. Mom's ambtious map-reading. Grandma's morning martinis. The shock of actually arriving to your final destination in one piece.
Yes, traveling with people related to you can be all sorts of horrifying and gratifying. And so we invite you to share your most memorable family vacation saga. (You may recall Alex Hall's Marrakech family fiasco, or Anya Schiffrin's story about taking her elderly mother to India).
We'll accept submissions from now through December 2nd, and we'll publish the best ones between now and Christmas. Points will be awarded for brevity, but don't let that limit you. We love a good yarn. Submit your stories here or post them on our Facebook page.