Storyteller Contest: Your Travel Fiasco

After Irene in Monmouthn County, NJ. Photo: Courtesy of Bob Jagendorf / Flickr
Right now, the East Coast of the United States is recovering from Hurricane Irene and the havoc she wreaked. Airports were closed, boardwalks were shattered, low-lying areas were flooded, residents were evacuated, and the second-to-last-weekend of the summer was, quite literally, washed out.
Every traveler knows that disaster will strike more often than not. Which makes this an especially appropriate time to share the hilarious story sent to us by reader Kate Lee about her mishaps trying to get from Rome to Spain.
And, because misery loves company, we invite you to share your best (make that your worst) travel fiasco. We'll accept submissions until September 2, 2011, and we'll publish the best ones next week. Points will be awarded for brevity, but don't let that limit you. We love a good yarn. Submit your stories here.