How to Pack: The Rolling Technique

So many suitcases. So much to pack. Photo: Cea/Flickr
Around here, we believe in the art of packing well. We're just of two minds about the best method for doing it. We fall into two factions: the roll and the flat pack. So we held a pack-off with a Rimowa suitcase and a massive pile of stuff (both essential and excess) at the Standard High Line Hotel in New York City and captured it on camera. Which is the best? That's up to you, wanderer.
I'm Stephanie March, and I'm a roller. It's a space saver and it keeps your clothes from getting wrinkled. Watch me do it:
Stephanie's Essential Rolling Tips
1. Pack shoes first, then fill in the gaps. Your goal: create a level surface.
2. Rolling clothes — dresses, sweaters, and even jeans — maximizes space in the suitcase.
3. Pack essential items that do double-duty, like a dress that also works as a cover-up.
4. Use a wet bag to pack bathing suit, gym gear, dirty laundry. Then roll the bag.
5. Pack a pharmacy. "There's nothing worse than being in a foreign country and realizing you're allergic to something new."
The Pack-Off Continues
Rolling isn't the only preferred Fathom packing method. We also like the flat pack. Check it out.
Special thanks to the Standard Hotel for the location, Rimowa for the suitcase, and Spin The Bottle for the video.