How Can I Work Out on the Road?

The author getting to perfect form. Photo courtesy of Lomax.
Dear Fathom: Just because I'm traveling doesn't mean I want to give up exercising. Unfortunately, hotels don't always have gyms. How can I stay fit when I've left my regular routine at home?
Being on the road doesn't have to mean gaining five pounds. We asked Lomax PT trainer and Fathom contributing editor Hilary Bass Rifkin for an efficient, 20-minute workout that you can do in a hotel room with no special gym equipment. This is the first of many workouts she'll design for us.
Jumping Jacks
Reps: 20
Leg Swings
Count: 10 per leg
Equipment: Chest of drawers (to hold for balance during leg swings)
How-to: Stand facing dresser. Swing one leg across and in front of other, then out to your side, pointing foot up towards ceiling.
Watch out for: Kicking the dresser when you swing! Don't lean on it, just place fingertips at arms length for balance.
Reps: 12
Equipment: Chair and wall
Watch out for: Lightweight chairs! Place against a wall in the room. Keep your back and bum as close to the chair as possible as you dip.
See the move:
Decline Push-Ups
Reps: 12
Equipment: Chair or bed
Watch out for: Hips dropping due to gravity and weight pitching forward. Focus on holding core nice and tight and raising hips slightly.
See the move:
Reps: 12 per leg
Equipment: Suitcase or overnight bag
How-to: Hold suitcase overhead with arm straight and extended or at waist-height.
Watch out for: Don't let your knee travel past your legs.
See the move:
Air Squats
Reps: 12
Equipment: Your body weight
Watch out for: Don't let your knees cave inwards. Keep control through a tight core and use your arms for balance.
See the move:
Leg Raises
Reps: 20
Equipment: Use bed if it's firm, otherwise, use floor
Watch out for: Keep your neck and head relaxed and on the floor. If your head lifts, you aren't engaging your lower abdominals.
See the move:
Renegade Row
Reps: 12 per side
Equipment: Floor
Watch out for: Hip rotation when lifting arms on each side. Make sure your hands are under your shoulders.
See the move:
Repeat series (though not the warm-up) five times.
Leg Swings
Reps: 10 per leg
Hamstring Stretch
Time: 30 seconds per leg
Chest Stretch
Time: 30 seconds per side
Equipment for all: Dresser, door frame
Watch out for: Remember to keep clear of the dresser. Don't bounce legs when stretching hamstrings; gently reach opposing arm out towards foot of extended leg.
Fitness Tips for Business Travelers
Medical Advice for Travelers: Part I
Medical Advice for Travelers: Part II