You Will Want to Propose in Iceland, Too

All photos by Benjamin Ngooi
White deserts, unicorns in training, precise architecture. Photographer Benjamin Ngooi knew what he was doing when he chose to propose to his girlfriend in Iceland. Don't miss his incredible photos in the slideshow.
ICELAND – Next destination: the land of ethereal lights, unicorns, and surreal white deserts. A gang of close mates from Australia made the flight to my side of the world, and we decided Iceland would be an ideal location for chill times.
It was one of the greatest experiences of my life — the landscapes, the people, and the key moments in my history.
In my last Fathom dispatch from Spain, I mentioned a very special moment had happened. In response to Beyoncé, I liked it, so I put a ring on it. I asked my girlfriend Deb to marry me, to spend her life with mine and live through all the wonder of the world together.
I proposed with my mother's ring, which my friend Clement cautiously carried from Australia. He also took the winning photo of us in the slideshow.
Iceland will forever be a frozen magical moment in my life. The people were friendly and funny, the architecture was clean and exquisite, and the land was mind-blowing in all directions. Time to book another trip in the summer.