Meet Vandana Verma of The India Tube

Hometown: Born in the UK, although my family's from the state of Uttar Pradesh in North India. Currently I live and work in New Delhi, India.
Occupation: Writer and editor of The India Tube.
Favorite destinations: Brighton, Rajasthan, Bali.
Dying to visit: Mexico, Japan.
Bizarre travel rituals: Moisturizing like crazy until I'm too slippery for customs to catch me and compulsive list making and list-checking pre-departure.
In-flight relaxation regime: Drinking, swaddling, and ensuring minimal chatter with neighbors.
Always in carry-on: Dr. Hauschka lip balm, trashy magazines, and iPod.
Concierge or DIY? Ideally, a little of both.
See it all or take it easy? Attempting to see it all, end up losing steam, and looking for a bar in which to take it very easy.
Drive or be driven? Be driven.
Travel hero: My parents. They're retired, and all they do is travel. Also all those people who decide to up and go at a moment's notice, never worrying about tedious bits like luggage.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: Weirdness is great. But the most inexplicable to me is those tourists who take endless pictures of buildings and fields.
Best hotel amenity: Great sheets, a spotless carpet, and good products in the bathroom.
I dream about my meal at a little warung in Bali and everything I've ever eaten on the streets of Thailand.
Everywhere I go, I check out the bars, the fashion, and the local apothecaries.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by walking, walking, and walking some more. Also by referring to the local edition of Time Out.
I always bring home local beauty products, oils, and graphics flyers that I pick up as I walk around.
If I never return to Miami airport it'll be too soon because the gentlemen at their immigration desks are the rudest I have ever met.
I travel for fresh eyes and change of pace and, blessedly, for my work.