Meet Almanac of Style's Ruby Nichols

Photo: Heather Waraksa
Hometown: Houston, TX.
Occupation: Founder and editor of Almanac of Style.
Favorite destinations: Paris, London, Brooklyn, Shanghai, Maui.
Dying to visit: Tokyo (I'll be there in a month!) and Marfa, TX.
Bizarre travel rituals: Packing terribly. You'd think with how much I've moved and traveled I'd be good at it, but I always overpack and still don't know how to fold anything properly.
In-flight relaxation regime: iPod + neck pillow = out.
Always in carry-on: Macbook, neck pillow, bottle of water.
Concierge or DIY? DIY!
See it all or take it easy? See it all, but am learning to take it easy.
Drive or be driven? Public transportation please!
Travel hero: My girlfriend who took 3.5 months off to travel Europe and Asia by herself.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: Please see image to the left.
My favorite hotel is AirBnB because you meet locals and get an inside perspective. Plus, it's cheap!
I dream about my meal at Tickets in Barcelona.
Best hotel amenity: Daily housekeeping.
Favorite childhood travel memory: Family road trips in our pimpin’ blue station wagon.
Everywhere I go, I check out the street style, boutiques, vintage shops, cuisine, and nightlife.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by asking anyone around me for directions and praying I make it to my destination.
I always bring home jewelry, clothes, vintage glassware, alcohol, and as many shoes as I can fit in my luggage.
If I never return to Vegas, it'll be too soon because I don't gamble and I've been dragged there for bachelorette parties way too many times.
I travel for the hidden gems.
Twitter: @almanacofstyle