Meet the Boutique Owner: Melissa Akkaway

Melissa in her shop, Beckley Boutique.
Hometown: Pacific Palisades. Born and raised in Las Vegas.
Occupation: Boutique owner and designer.
Favorite destinations: Cabo San Luca, Paris, and Aspen.
Dying to visit: Morroco and Tuscany.
In-flight relaxation regime: Catching up on sleep and magazines (Elle, US Weekly and InStyle).
Always in carry-on: Ilia lip conditioner, Purell.
Concierge or DIY? Of course, concierge.
See it all or take it easy? Depends on where I am going. Could be a bit of both.
Drive or be driven? Driven for sure.
Travel hero: My dad.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: Monkeys jumping on people and stealing their belongings at a temple in Bali, Indonesia.
My favorite hotel is Four Seasons Hotel George V in Paris because it is the ultimate in luxury and service.
I dream about my meal at Chez L'Ami Louis – best French restaurant.
Best hotel amenity: The Red Flower products at The Greenwich Hotel.
Favorite childhood travel memory: My mom and I took the MGM Grand airline to New York, and Dorothy (yes, of the Wizard of Oz) was on the flight, as well as other characters. We got dressed up and had our own little room with our seats.
Everywhere I go, I check out the gym, markets, shopping.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by taking a run.
I always bring home a present for my son.
If I never return to Cape Canaveral, Florida, it'll be too soon because it's a really small beach town.
I travel for the memories and imagery.
Twitter: @beckleyboutique
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