Meet the Restaurateur: Kerry Diamond

Kerry Diamond at her home in Brooklyn. Photo by Emily Weiss.
Hometown: Brooklyn.
Occupation: Publicist, restaurateur, coffee shop owner.
Favorite destinations: Paris, Paris, and Paris.
Dying to visit: Paris.
Bizarre travel rituals: Carrying my body weight in books and magazines. I share this affliction with my brother, Robert.
In-flight relaxation regime: Reading and sleeping.
Always in carry-on: Lip balm, noise-cancelling headphones.
Concierge or DIY? When traveling for business, concierge. For pleasure, DIY.
See it all or take it easy? Somewhere in the middle.
Drive or be driven? I'd rather walk.
Travel hero: Anyone who doesn't check luggage.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: All the KFCs, Starbucks, and cupcakes in Beijing.
Best hotel amenity: Free WiFi makes me happy.
I dream about my meal at Seersucker!
Everywhere I go, I check out the bookstores, magazine stands, and coffee shops.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by putting on my Converse and walking around.
I always bring home a little something for my boyfriend.
I travel for the much-needed change of scenery.