Travel Favorites from Author-Illustrator John Bemelmans Marciano

Bemelmans Marciano with his family in Chamonix.
Hometown: Three Bridges, NJ
Occupation: Author-Illustrator
Favorite destinations: Anywhere in southern Italy. Vienna. Small American cities.
Dying to visit: Istanbul.
Bizarre travel rituals: Obsessive mapping.
In-flight relaxation regime: Reading the Economist.
Always in carry-on: The book I'm reading and the book I want to read next. (I have never gotten to the next.)
Concierge or DIY? DIY.
See it all or take it easy? See it all.
Drive or be driven? Drive!
Travel hero: George Gissing.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: A nun in a beat-up Fiat Panda giving the finger to a driver who had just cut her off.
Best hotel amenity: Wi-fi without log-in rigamarole.
Everywhere I go, I check out the outdoor produce markets.
I dream about my meal at All'Arco, Venice.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by mapping the places I want to eat.
I always bring home a book.
If I never return to the suburbs of Melbourne it'll be too soon because once is enough
I travel for the differences.
FATHOM Postcards
Website: John Bemelmans Marciano
Blog: Building Gal's Bookshelf
Amazon: Books by John Bemelmans Marciano