Meet the Traveler: Dalia Dogmoch Soubra

Photo by Sukaina Rajabali.
Hometown: Dubai, Paris, New York.
Occupation: I'm a food writer, business owner, and TV personality.
Favorite destinations: For a fix of city life — New York. But my husband proposed to me in Tuscany, so that's pretty special. Morocco and South Africa are other favorites.
Dying to visit: New Zealand.
Bizarre travel rituals: Constant eating every moment of the journey. In the car. At the airport terminal. On the plane. Lots of junk food.
Always in carry-on: Snacks. Reading material. Very comfortable clothes.
Concierge or DIY: Depends on the trip, but I like always ask the concierge where they like to eat on their day off.
See it all or take it easy: Take in as much as I can. Unless I'm at the beach.
Drive or be driven: Drive!
Travel hero: My sister, a single mom who travels everywhere with her four children.
Favorite childhood memory: Visiting my grandmother in Damascus. She ran the kitchen like no other. Try as I might, I still cannot live up to her cooking.
Best hotel amenity: A club sandwich. I rate the hotel by how good the club sandwich is.
Everywhere I go, I check out the food markets.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by asking everyone (cab drivers, concierge, people on the street) where they eat.
I always bring home argan oil from Morocco, tons of spices, and anything that otherwise costs a fortune in Dubai.
If I never return to Jamaica it'll be too soon because I felt like I was trapped at the resort.
I travel for the opportunity to learn.
Twitter: @DaliasKitchen
Instagram: @DaliasKitchen
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