Meet the Traveler: Brittany Watson Jepsen

Photo: Amanda Thomsen
Hometown: Dana Point, California.
Occupation: Designer, shop owner, and blogger at The House That Lars Built.
Favorite destinations: Going home to California, Curitiba, Brazil, Iceland, Venice, Stockholm, and Washington, D.C.
Dying to visit: Vienna, for the Sound of Music sing-along tour. I plan on going in full costume.
Bizarre travel rituals: Not a ritual but a nasty habit: I tend to always forget either my toothbrush or paste.
In-flight relaxation regime: Magazines!
Always in carry-on: My journal.
Concierge or DIY? DIY always.
See it all or take it easy? Take it easy. If I don't get to see it all I tell myself that I just have to return. It's a win-win.
Drive or be driven? Be driven please. I'm too much of a look-i-loo to drive without distractions.
Travel hero: My old roommate Nicki who always makes detailed itineraries for every trip. If you're going to the grocery store she will organize items according to where they are in the store. I wish she was in my life at all times.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: In Europe I've noticed that for some reason public urination is okay. I see it everywhere I go. Oddly enough, public bathrooms are rather plentiful.
I dream about my meal at Noma in Copenhagen.
Everywhere I go, I check out the supplies shops. I love finding what they use to make crafts.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by getting lost and figuring it out.
I always bring home an illustrated children's book.
I travel for the beauty of the places. Travel is just a means to see beautiful things.