You, Too, Can Eat Your Heart Out in Andalusia

Bring on the Spanish treats. Photo: Benjamin Ngooi
Fathom friend and passionate photographer Benjamin Ngooi took to the Iberian Peninsula for Spanish treats and warm weather. After spending time in Seville, Málaga, and Nerja, he discovered his new mission in life: to eat all the jamón in España. A noble (and understandable) pursuit. Click through for a selection of photos from his Andalusian adventure.
ANDALUSIA, Spain – Last fall, I wanted a boost of warm weather before the winter chill overtook London. My travel partner, love of my life, then girlfriend and now fiancée (that's another story!) and I sat down to make some travel plans.
As usual, our appetites determined our destination. This naturally led us to Seville, Spain, the Andalusian home of tapas and flamenco. My Nikon came with us.
Tapas have always been a favorite of mine. However, none of my small-plate moments in Australia or London could have prepared me for the culinary experience in Seville.
We wanted freedom on this trip, and decided to hire a car instead of rushing and relying on trains and buses. We ended up freaking out on the wrong side of the road, missing turns, and getting stuck in tiny alleyways. Our driving mishaps were offset by the stunning views of the sea and mountains on the long drive towards Málaga. We spent a couple of days there and half a day in the sunny beach town of Nerja.
Andalusia has secured a spot in my memory for its pleasant blend of history, culture, and architecture. And for the best tapas and gin at incredibly affordable prices. I love it, I miss it, and I want to eat everything again.
See more of Benjamin's photography on his blog, SOBN.
A Few Days in Seville
The Hum of Mojacar
Excerpts from Hemingway