Gleaming Waves of the Choppy Sea

Gorgeous sunshine in Crete. Photo courtesy of Anthony Gould.
Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis is one of the most recognizably Greek books of all time. The novel, along with the corresponding 1964 film, created the vision of Crete that travelers picture in their minds. The intellectually ridiculous Zorba is the epitome of a true Greek, and readers are left with the spirit of the island's history and culture.
"Night was falling. The sky to the west was beautifully serene. Small, fleecy red clouds edged with gold were sailing slowly across the dark-purple evening sky, looking one moment like ships, the next like swans, then like fantastic monsters made of cotton wool and frayed silk. Between the reeds in the yard could be seen the gleaming waves of the choppy sea.
Two well-fed crows flew from a fig tree close by and walked up and down the yard. Zorba angrily picked up a pebble and made them fly away.
In the other corner of the yard the village marauders had prepared a tremendous feast. They had brought out the large kitchen table, searched out break, plates, knives, and forks. They had brought from the celler a demijohn of wine, and cooked a few hens in the pot. Now hungry and happy, they were eating and drinking with a fine relish and clinking glasses."
This entry is excerpted from Zorba the Greek by Nikos Kazantzakis.
1964 Film Starring Anthony Quinn
Dancing in the Footsteps of Zorba the Greek