7 iPhone Gadgets for Extreme Travelers

Clockwise from top left: Snap sky-high photos with the parrott drone; use a carabiner clip for your phone; never let go with the Nite Ize handleband; waterproof your iPhone with super suit; never let go with the Nite Ize handleband.
Every Wednesday in Travel Loot, we find the best travel products to match our theme of the week. As part of our focus on great explorations, we're going extreme with a look at the best ways to capture those crazy, can't-believe-you-made-it-out-alive travel moments with your iPhone.
Climbing Mount Everest and trekking through the Sahara Desert are all in a day’s work for the adventure traveler. But did it really happen if you don’t have a photo—or two hundred—to post on Instagram and email home? We searched high and low for the latest gadgets and gizmos to help capture those crazy, once-in-a-lifetime moments. You no longer have to worry about putting your most precious piece of technology into the danger zone.
A carabiner for your phone, remote control drone, and solution to hands-free shots. (Slideshow)
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