The insanely creative side of Instragram. Photo by @anniset.
Instagram is a place where people share photos of their morning oatmeal, their hometown skyline, and, of course, themselves. But for an ingenious few, Instagram is a place to showcase a love of Pantone colors, an obsession with color-coordinated pastries, or a knack for finding rainbows.
We dug deep for a dozen mesmerizing, meticulous, art project-like Instagram feeds. Warning: Your eye will wander.
Known for: Collages What we love: This Singapore native with an eye for composition uses black and white to mesmerizing effect. Follow: @orhganic
Daily Overview
Known for: Aerial shots What we love: A bird's eye view of the built environment reveals patterns that feel surreal and Photoshopped. Follow: @dailyoverview
Manuel Pita
Known for: Minimalist cottages What we love: This Lisbon-based Instagrammer has a thing for tiny houses in bare landscapes. Follow: @sejkko
Mark Cushway
Known for: Skies What we love: This Sydney local keeps his head (and ours) in the clouds with vast, spare images of the sky above us. Follow: @mark_pc
Yener Torun
Known for: Rainbows What we love: Like candy for the eyes, Torun's big, bold, graphic feed of rainbow colors is a pure delight. Follow: @cimkedi
Chia Pei Wen
Known for: Watercolor paintings What we love: Scenes from daily life in Singapore and Japan (pagodas, train cars) become extraordinary with a stroke of Chia Pei Wen's paintbrush. Follow: @pwendraws
Teresa Freitas
Known for: Flowers What we love: Meditative landscape shots intermingled with the very surreal visions of fruit and flowers floating in the sky. Follow: @teresacfreitas
Anna Devís
Known for: Movement What we love: High-energy imagery with vibrant colors and lively figures. (The feed is downright cute.) Follow: @anniset
Tal Spiegel
Known for: Colorful desserts What we love: Gorgeous pastries and shoes to match. The dedication to deliciousness never gets old. Follow: @dessertedinparis
Matt Crump
Known for: Warm vibes What we love: Life is alive and in technicolor — sunny orange, hot pink, and punchy yellow filters on top of the world. Follow: @mattcrump
Oak and Ink
Known for: Pantone What we love: "Inspired by people & Pantone." The further you scroll, the more colors you see, one shade flowing perfectly into the next. Follow: @oakandink
We make every effort to ensure the information in our articles is accurate at the time of publication. But the world moves fast, and even we double-check important details before hitting the road.