Packing List: Lockhart Steele

Lockhart is the founder of the Curbed Network of websites. He travels for the thrill — and the peanut butter crackers. Here he shares his list of must-haves for the road.
Day bag: I've worn my laptop/work bag, one of those special-to-Apple Jack Spade numbers, that I've worn into the ground. Two huge holes on side. Time for retirement. Seeking suggestions on a slightly more upscale replacement. Would consider going leather if I can grapple with the Leventhaliness of that direction.
Camera: Very loyal to the Lumix line from Panasonic. Leica lenses on all models, I believe. Definitely on mine.
Snack: Tiny peanut butter crackers, found in most airport newsstores and at mini-marts worldwide.
Momento: Photographs. I take a lot of them.