Meet College Humor and BustedTee's Co-Founder Josh Abramson

Josh on location in Barcelona.
Hometown: Grew up in Baltimore, but NYC is my hometown.
Occupation: Co-founder of CollegeHumor and BustedTees.
Favorite destinations: Costa Brava, Riviera Maya, Amagansett, and New Orleans.
Dying to visit: Bhutan. (Editor's note: He went! And wrote about it for us.)
Bizare travel rituals: I try REALLY hard to never check a bag.
In-flight relaxation regime: An airplane is the only place I allow myself to read US Weekly.
Always in carry-on: Mi-Fi.
Concierge or DIY? A big fan of having a great travel agent, but still end up doing most of it myself.
See it all or take it easy? A little bit of both.
Drive or be Driven? Depends which side of the road we're talking about.
Travel hero: I wouldn't mind mirroring Anthony Bourdain's itineraries.
Weirdest thing seen on travels: Watching a conservative Midwestern guy freak out while briefly cornered by a family of hippos in Botswana.
Best hotel amenity: Free spa.
I dream about my meal at Kanesaka in Japan.
Everywhere I go, I check out the local candy selections.
When I arrive in a new place, I learn the lay of the land by printing a map and walking around or renting bikes if possible.
I always bring home nothing. My carry-on was already packed to capacity.
If I never return to West Texas, it'll be too soon because I'm too old to drive across country again.
I travel for the food and to look at pretty things.
Twitter: @joshabramson
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