A Green Thumb's Go-To Gardening Shops in Floral Saint Germain

Pretty little porcelain flowers. Photo courtesy of Le Cabinets de Porcelaine.
Deborah Needleman isn't just an awesome editor and writer; she's also an amazing gardener. She gave us her quick list of favorite floral spots in Saint Germain.
PARIS – After delicious breakfast at Hôtel Duc de St Simon, my favorite in Paris (which you can read about here), I like to wander round the 'hood. Keeping with my old-fashioned charm slant and the fact that I'm a gardener, I offer a few flower-inspired spots to visit.
Le Cabinets de Porcelaine
37 rue de Verneuil; +33-1-42-60-25-40
This teeny tiny shop is very old lady and I love it. It is a collection of work by two artists, Didier Gardillou and Samuel Mazy, who make magical, delicate vegetables and flowers from porcelain. I have a small pea pod, a little radish, and now, a dusty pink cyclamen in a terracotta pot. This stuff is très fragile.
J.M. Béalu et Fils
3 rue du Bac; +33-1-45-48-46-53
Should I ever become a very rich grand dame, I will head straight here and buy myself some Iznik plates, handpainted as if a garden was growing all over them with tulips, hyacinths, palms, and carnations, made in Turkey in the 17th century (really, really expensive) or 18th century (really expensive).
L'Atelier de Joël Robuchon
5 rue de Montalembert; +33-1-42-22-56-56
Instead, I head here to console myself with pastries or a sandwich.
Le Prince Jardinier at Deyrolle
46 rue du Bac; +33-1-42-22-30-07
Deyrolle, Paris' oldest, grandest taxidermy shop, was completely reconstructed after a devastating fire a couple of years back. It's worth a visit both for the crazy stuffed animals and because it is housed in a beautiful hôtel particulier. Owner Prince Louis Albert de Broglie runs his garden shop on the ground floor, and it is here that I buy oversized wood plant labels and the best green garden twine made with a bit of wire.
Musée Rodin
79 rue de Varenne; +33-1-44-18-61-10
You don't need me to tell you about this, but the museum has a really nice garden to stroll in.
Coutume Café
47 rue de Babylone; +33-1-45-51-50-47
This is off-theme (and across St. Germain des Pres) in that it is hip in a Williamsburg-y way with minimal chic interiors and really good coffee.
Love Letter: Hôtel Duc de St Simon
Little Black Book Paris: The Chic Restaurateur